Daylight on the Hoh River
From the rugged acidified ocean seashore to the majestic
shrinking glaciers, the recreational wonderland we call the Olympic Peninsula
has more diverse and delicate eco-systems than you can shake a stick at. While
it is a privilege to share these jewels of creation with tourists there are
those whose bucket-list demands, yuppie anxiety disorders and been-there-done-that
attitude make them a pleasure to be without.
So pack a lunch, grab a camera, cell phone, pepper spray,
antacids, highway flares, rubber suit and barn boots and don't forget your
State Park, National Park, National Forest, Federal Wildlife Refuge and Tribal
permits and hit the road.
It has been said that the secret to knowing where to go is
in knowing where not to go. Once you figure out where not to go you’re half way
there. Here are some places you probably don't want to go but you can recommend
to someone you don't like very much.
Just getting on to the Olympic Peninsula can be a challenge
for the tourists. With long ferry line ups and the frequent surprise closings
of the Hood Canal Bridge for the Trident Submarines.
It’s been said that if just one of these warships shot off
all their ordnance it would equal all of the bombs dropped in World War Two. The
pressures of skippering a Doomsday Device must be enormous. The Captain
probably doesn’t care about stopping traffic to open the bridge, trapping a long
line of sweaty, desperate tourists in dire need of restroom facilities. The
tourists had better toughen up. If they ever get across the Hood Canal Bridge
they will find the restroom facilities of the Olympic Peninsula can be an experience
that tests the endurance of the human spirit.
What do we care? They’re just tourists. That’s why we put a season on them.
What do we care? They’re just tourists. That’s why we put a season on them.
Of course the tourist can always avoid the Hood Canal Bridge
by taking the Ferry from Whidbey Island to Port Townsend. It is a scenic cruise where The Strait of
Juan de Fuca, The Georgia Strait, Hood Canal, Admiralty Inlet and Puget Sound converge
in a tide- ripping cauldron we call the Graveyard of the Pacific. Curiously,
the ferry has permanent list that officials assure us is normal in ships built
by the highest bidder. Riding the Port Townsend Ferry is like being on the
Titanic, with cell phones. If you should arrive in Port Townsend safely, use
caution. You may be asked to sign a petition.
You can avoid the Hood Canal Bridge and the Port Townsend
Ferry with that other death wish, a drive around Hood Canal. Prepare to be stuck in an endless line of
crawling traffic on a road so crooked that it seems to be going in
circles. The urge to pass is one of
Man’s most powerful instincts. Even if passing one car will only put them
behind another car that is behind 25 more, they will pass.
All you can do is maintain course and speed and pray a deer
doesn’t jump out. Deer are sensitive woodland creatures with a finely-tuned
sense of revenge. They wait until every year at about this time to jump in
traffic, causing accidents just to get even for hunting season.
Deer waiting for the right moment to get revenge
With any luck at all you'll make it to Sequim. That’s the
good news. The bad news is Sequim has an elk herd that blocks the highway
whenever they feel like it. Once a quiet little dairy farming town, Sequim has
turned into a retirement center we call “God’s Waiting Room”, Today’s Sequim
has so many big box stores they block my view of Wal-Mart.
Sequim is not an Indian word for traffic jam but it might as
well be. People in Sequim drive around with little dogs in their laps causing
the rest of us to ask,
“Please, let the dog drive.”
Leaving Sequim the tourist heads west. Port Angeles is only
17 miles away but there are so many worse places to see on the way.
Deer Park is at the end of a single lane dirt road that will
make you kiss the ground if you ever see pavement again. Also known as Deer Fly
Park for the tremendous thirst of the insect population this scenic area
provides a majestic viewpoint to many more miles of bug infested forest.
There's a picnic area and a small campground. As I drove through I thought the friendly campers were waving at me but they weren't. They were swatting at
bugs. Activities at Deer Park include slapping each other as an excuse for
swatting insects and trying to eat while keeping the bugs off your food.
Remember to dress in many layers since the bugs are liable to eat their way through
the first couple of them. Next time instead of going to Deer Park I might just make a donation to the local blood bank. I wouldn’t send my worst enemy to Deer Park but a tourist?
Heck yeah.
Port Angeles Harbor
Inevitably the tourist reaches Port Angeles. Also known as
The Gateway City, The Second National City, New Cherbourg, Old Dungeness, False
Dungeness, Winsor’s Harbor and Puerto de Nuestra Senora de Los Angeles. No
matter what you call it; Port Angeles is a town with an identity crisis that’s
17 miles from everywhere.
The Coho
If you have a criminal record the Canadian authorities will find out about it in the time it takes to ride the Coho Ferry from Port Angeles to Victoria, where you may be sent back on the next boat. Those without a criminal record can expect to have their belongings searched and privates sniffed by dogs looking for whatever, drugs perhaps. Although smuggling drugs to Victoria with its’ booming B.C. Bud industry would be like smuggling beer into a brewery, eh. The only thing worse than Canadian Customs is getting through United States Customs when you try to re-enter your own country. If you have baggage it will probably be searched. If you don’t have baggage they’ll want to know why. I’ve sent a lot of people I don’t like very much to Victoria. The weird thing is they seemed to like it.
17 miles to the North across the treacherous Strait of Juan
de Fuca there is Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. They
speak Canadian eh? There is no Canadian word for “Sewage Treatment Plant.” The
Victoria City Mascot is a little brown figure they call, “Floatie”. Victoria’s
City Motto is: “Flush twice, it has to make it to Port Angeles.”
The Coho
If you have a criminal record the Canadian authorities will find out about it in the time it takes to ride the Coho Ferry from Port Angeles to Victoria, where you may be sent back on the next boat. Those without a criminal record can expect to have their belongings searched and privates sniffed by dogs looking for whatever, drugs perhaps. Although smuggling drugs to Victoria with its’ booming B.C. Bud industry would be like smuggling beer into a brewery, eh. The only thing worse than Canadian Customs is getting through United States Customs when you try to re-enter your own country. If you have baggage it will probably be searched. If you don’t have baggage they’ll want to know why. I’ve sent a lot of people I don’t like very much to Victoria. The weird thing is they seemed to like it.
It is also 17 miles south of Port Angeles to scenic Hurricane Ridge within Olympic National Park.
Visitors are asked to travel
lightly. Drive across the traffic counter, get an informative brochure printed
on recycled paper and get out. That would be too easy.
Trail to Badger Valley
For that
special someone you really don’t like I would suggest a side trip to the nearby
Badger Valley. Named for some imaginary badgers a pioneer thought he saw,
Badger Valley is a lot like Deer Park except you have to hike into a hole to
get there. Then instead of driving away
to escape the bugs you have to crawl back up out of a steep valley. Keep an eye
on the weather. In the worst hiking tragedy to ever occur in Olympic National
Park, people died in a blizzard trying to get out of Badger Valley. Always keep
in mind while you’re hiking to Badger Valley, the marmots are trashing your
17 miles to the West of Port Angeles you will find Lake
Crescent but there are so many worse places to see on the way. The Elwha
River Restoration project is a great experiment for scientists from all over
the world to study, or a bad joke where the majestic Elwha River has been
transformed into a slurry too thick to drink and too thin to plow.
Lake Aldwell Lake Bed
The dried up former Lake Aldwell Lake Bed looks like a
clear-cut of massive stumps with a muddy ditch flowing through the middle of it.
Leaving this scenic mud-hole we continue up the Elwha River to a larger, deeper
mud hole.
The Lake Mills was once one of the best trout fishing lakes
in Washington State. The Dam site is closed off to public entry for good
reason. The Dam Removal is a work in progress with eroding mud-banks and sheer
cliffs for skilled professionals hooked to a crane only. The bed of Lake Mills is
a depressing wasteland that will take decades to heal. It is a devastating
reminder of the destructive power of man. The only thing worse is the
destructive power of nature which has carved this river for millennia.
The unfortunate tourist continues up Whiskey Bend Road which
was not built according to legend, by following the sheriff who was chasing a
moonshiner through the woods, but it might as well have been. Inevitably the
tourist comes to a trail head. Leaving their vehicle at the mercy of gangs of
bandits who patrol our National Parks stealing from the unsuspecting who leave
valuables in their cars, our tourist begins walking to one of the more
disappointing destinations in the Olympics: Goblin Gates.
Goblin Gates
Named by members of the 1890 Press Expedition who may have
been suffering the effects of the Whiskey Bend Syndrome, Goblin Gates makes you
wish our explorers would have kept the Indian name, whatever that may have
been. I have stared for at Goblin Gates for years and never seen one. W. C. Fields yes, but no goblins.
Bitter and disillusioned, I continued to the next
practical tourist joke: Geyser Valley, named by that same impressionable Press
Expedition for an imaginary auditory phenomenon that may have been the drumming
of a ruffed grouse. Years of searching
by this wilderness reporter have revealed no trace of geysers in this once
pristine wilderness valley.
Geyser Valley
Have some fun. Don't tell the tourists there are no geysers
in Geyser valley or that a hike through
the present day Geyser Valley is about as scenic as walking through a gravel
pit. The old growth forest of Geyser Valley with its ancient trees and fluffy moss
was recently flushed down the river by a massive landslide -flood event leaving
hundreds of acres of desolate wasteland that will take decades to heal. Even worse,
since Geyser Valley is deep within the boundaries of The People's Democratic
Republic of Olympic National Park, a World Heritage Site and crown jewel of the
National Park System, there are currently no loggers to blame. No charges have
been filed.
Continuing up the Elwha trail our tourist encounters the
effects of the decayed infrastructure in our National Parks. Frequent signs along the trial commonly post
blatantly inaccurate mileage readings when I know for a geologic fact what with
plate tectonics and all, the trails have gotten longer since I was hiking them as a kid.
Humes Ranch
Inevitably our tourist reaches Humes Ranch. This once
legendary fleshpot of the upper Elwha sits decayed and abandoned to remind the
tourist they missed the party by a hundred years or so. The Humes Ranch Cabin
was built around 1900 by the Humes brothers who were on their way to the
Klondike Gold Rush at the time but they decided to settle in the Elwha Valley
The Humes brothers were varmint hunters who killed wolves,
cougar and bear for the bounties that were paid at the time. They also guided
parties of mountaineers and hunters deep into the interior of the Olympics.
Grant Humes was a writer who in his later years said that there was more to
hunting than killing animals. He established a game refuge on the ranch.
With the passing of the Humes brothers the cabin was
abandoned until 1940 when Herb Crisler moved in with his new bride Lois. The
Crislers spent years filming what would become the Disney movie, “Olympic Elk”
using a Humes Ranch as a base of operations.
The social scene at Humes Ranch is described in excruciating
detail in the 1989 tell-all book “An Olympic Mountain Enchantment” by Ruby El
Hult. Ruby was a young journalist in 1949 when she came to Port Angeles to write
about the Olympic Peninsula in a book that would eventually be called “The Untamed
Olympics.” Ruby describes Humes Ranch as a busy place where as many as 50
people stopped for a visit one Memorial Day weekend. The Crislers were accommodating hosts who
supplied their overnight guests with fresh vegetables and hot rocks that were
to be put in the sleeping bag to keep warm at night. Which inevitably lead to
the immortal line from a lonely male hiker,
“You mean with all of these pretty girls around I have to
sleep with a rock?”
Then came the fateful morning when Lois went off to town but
couldn’t get the truck started. She came back to the ranch early and caught
Herb and Ruby on the lawn swing. Lois was nobody to mess with.
In her book “Arctic Wild” Lois writes about filming in the
Arctic. She describes being left alone in grizzly country with no rifle. Lois
figures she’d just hit the grizzly in the head with her hatchet if it came to
that. The Crislers brought 5 wolf cubs back to their ranch in Colorado. The
wolves were kept in a series of pens that would give them some freedom. It is a
seven year experiment that did not work. Lois wrote,
“We would strain every nerve… and it would all be as nothing
to the wolves but would keep us poor.” With a disturbing prescience Lois
“We should learn Buchenwald, for its making is in our
hearts, in the terrible “sweet” and “nice” ones too.” I don’t want to ruin the rest of the story for
you so let’s just say Ruby was lucky to escape with her life. She didn’t see
Herb again for another fifteen years. By that time Herb and Lois had divorced.
Humes Ranch was abandoned as it is to this day.
The good news is that The Park Service restored this
historic cabin. The bad news is that they took away the welcome mat. No camping
is allowed. The unlucky tourist is advised to move along where they soon
encounter even more environmental degradation.
Convolution Canyon
Elwha River
Convolution Canyon was also named by the 1890 Press
Expedition. With all the landmarks in the county named after bears, burns or
whiskey the Press boys finally got one right. They speculated this spectacular
canyon may have been formed by massive landslides. They even supposed that it could have been
the site of the legendary “Last Pow Wow”.
That was a rumor spread by
then territorial Governor Eugene Semple about the local warring tribes meeting in a
secret valley. The tribes declared a truce and engaged in athletic contests
until they were buried under a land slide by the evil Giant Seatco. He or she must have had a busy schedule. Seatco was
accused of the same of land slide-massacre events at Lake Crescent, the South
Fork of the Quinault and on the Wynoochie River. Only one thing is for sure. Convolution
Canyon has been falling into the Elwha River since the last ice age.
Back then the Elwha River was dammed by a three thousand
foot thick wall of ice that was clogging up the Strait of Juan de Fuca. This
created a huge lake that must have lasted for thousands of years. When the ice
melted it released a flow of sediment that would have made the current mud
holes behind the old dams seem like mud puddles by comparison.
These prehistoric mega-mud flows did not stop the salmon
from running up the Elwha. By July of 1790 Captain Quimper was buying
hundred pounder's at the mouth of the river. Huge runs of salmon and steelhead
continued running up the Elwha even after the dams were in.
In 1945 story in the Port Angeles Evening News by Jack
Henson describes hundreds of King salmon spawning in the Elwha below the lower
Lake Aldwell Dam. I observed similar runs of salmon in the Elwha in the 1970’s
How these runs could survive so long after the dam was built in 1911 and wait
to crash in the 1980’s is one of the great mysteries that modern science has
failed to address.
Meanwhile Seatco kept pushing landslides into the river. In
November 1934 river mud was polluting the Port Angeles Industrial Water Supply
line. In the 1960's another landslide from the west side of Convolution Canyon
fell into the Elwha forming a lake. This lake washed out. In the 1970's there was another slide and
another lake. It was the hottest fishing hole in the Olympics. All you had to do was stop at Humes Ranch for
some grasshoppers then hike up to Lake Elwha for giant rainbows and Dolly
Varden. It was good, too good to last. One day the stupid secret lake washed
out again with a flood that killed a whole forest clear down to Long Creek. The
river would never be the same.
The Elwha River Dam removal is an experiment asks a
question: will dam removal restore the runs of salmon to their former
numbers? We’re not sure how many salmon
were in the Elwha before the coming of the white man but it doesn’t matter. Modern fisheries management, like many
organized religions is based on a consensus of what we believe to be true.
Experts agree there may have been several hundred thousand salmon in the Elwha
and that’s good enough for me. Who wouldn’t want to see a historic run of
salmon return to the Elwha. The economic benefits alone would be worth
millions. If the Elwha River Dam removal
is a real experiment in salmon restoration then we might want to look at a
river that was not dammed to compare how the fish are doing in a pristine
Hoh River
The Hoh River flows
out of the opposite side of Mount Olympus from the Elwha. While the 1911 Elwha
Dam blocked off all but five miles of the 38 miles of spawning habitat in the
Elwha River. The Hoh River has never been dammed. It should be good fishing
right? No. The Hoh River is another good place to send people you don’t
like very much.
On the way to the Hoh the tourists can experience the death
defying drive around Lake Crescent. It’s
located in a haunted valley cursed by evil spirits since that fateful day in
the dim past when the Quileute and the Clallam were having a battle. The evil
Giant Seatco stood upon Mt. Storm King and buried the combatants under a
rock-slide that separated Lake Crescent from Lake Sutherland. Ever since then
there's been something weird about Lake Crescent.
Mt. Storm King
Lake Crescent
The Natives avoided Lake Crescent and so do I. You don't need a fishing license to fish in Lake Crescent since it's in a National Park but you will need an attorney to figure out the rules that all pretty much boil down to the same word, no.
Mt. Storm King
Lake Crescent
The Natives avoided Lake Crescent and so do I. You don't need a fishing license to fish in Lake Crescent since it's in a National Park but you will need an attorney to figure out the rules that all pretty much boil down to the same word, no.
The road around Lake Crescent follows an old elk trail. It’s
greasy and treacherous after a rain and it rains all the time. Just across the
lake you will find an even worse route, The Spruce Railroad Trail is the
perfect place to send someone you don’t like very much. It’s the only place I
have gotten a tick. Others have gotten them as well. Fortunately there have been no cases of Lyme
disease but I ain't going to be the first one. There are even rumors of poison
oak along this trail. Yuk!
Lake Crescent
West of Lake Crescent you are in logging country. You may
see a road sign that says “Danger falling trees.” Do not to be alarmed.
Maintain course and speed. Many loggers can hit a stake with a falling tree but
darned few of them can hit a moving target. Where there are loggers there are
log trucks. Tourists frequently complain that log trucks act like they own the
road. Do the math. A fully loaded log trucks weighs around 90,000 lbs. You
don't. Log trucks act like they own the road because they do.
With any luck our tourist will make it to Forks. Described
as a “Festering wound of a town” Forks got an Honorable Mention in the book,
“Absolutely Worst Places to Live in America.” In the Sunday New York Times a Seattle writer
called Forks a “big-eating, hard drinking town that Seattleites find “forlorn”,
“Godforsaken’ and “ugly.”
These meandering screeds all had one
thing in common — they hated loggers. They blamed the loggers for cutting down
trees, endangering salmon and even changing the climate in books and newspapers
that are printed on paper that comes from wood that is cut by loggers.
Forks was once the self-proclaimed
logging capitol of the world. Then the loggers were blamed for endangering the
spotted owl. The survival of the loggers was threatened. They joined the Spotted Owl as
fellow endangered species whose population continues to decline. Then something
odd and wonderful happened. Groups of tourists began taking each other's
pictures at the "Welcome to Forks" sign.
The Twilight books by Stephanie
Meyer made Forks a worldwide tourist destination for vampire groupies and those
who study them.
While there is a disturbing trend in modern journalism for
writers to use fleeting celebrity references as an excuse for responsible
reporting, it was never that way with Stephanie Meyer and me. Her books about
Forks have sold millions of copies worldwide. I have also written about Forks.
My books have sold under a million copies. Luckily, the economic vagaries of
the publishing industry are irrelevant in the pursuit of an art form. As
writers, Stephanie Meyer and I share a kinship that is beyond words. We both
have a warm spot in our hearts for Forks. It is the friendliest town on the
Olympic Peninsula. I would never recommend Forks to anyone I don’t like very much.
Have them continue south of Forks
over roads that seem about to collapse over the side of the mountain,
because they are. If you drive too far you will reach the Pacific Ocean.
Pacific Ocean
should stay away from the ocean no matter how much you don’t like them. Our
ocean beaches are a treacherous mix of deadly rip tides and surf logs that
kill. Turn around and go back to the Hoh River
Roaring Hell Rapids Hoh River
If you really don’t like these people, have them stop at The
Hoh Oxbow Campground. After driving around in circles for hours someone in that
carload of tourists is going to need to go to the bathroom. Finding adequate
restroom facilities in the wilderness could be one of the most important
survival skills you can have.
Our tourist visitors to the Olympic Peninsula are generally from
somewhere else. They could be from back east like Idaho or down south like
Oregon. These foreigners are
unaccustomed to the local diet that relies heavily on the three basic food
groups: grease, sugar and alcohol. Add the effects of sleep deprivation and
mixed medications to the stress of a
vacation grudge match with a vengeful significant other and the surely brood
of teenage demon-spawn and it can add up to an emergency situation for the

Outhouse of the Doomed
Outhouse of the Doomed
Remember you never liked them very much anyway. Send
them to the outhouse of the doomed at the Hoh Oxbow campground. Most folks won’t be able to stay inside
longer than two seconds. Anyone who
stays in longer than 30 seconds is presumed disabled from the fumes. A rescue attempt would be futile. The only first aid I know is, ‘check for
Hoh River Oxbow
Not all wilderness adventurers however, are cut from the
same cloth. There are some who are able to endure the rigors of the pit toilet
for periods of a minute or more and emerge from the ordeal with no ill
effects. Like the camper who was laying
in his tent one night and heard a rustling sound that upon investigation,
seemed to be coming from beneath the floor.
We have a saying in the deep dark woods that, ‘a man’s best friend is a
good sharp ax’ but it wasn’t true in this case.
As our camper grabbed an ax and chopped his tent floor to pieces to
reveal the true identity of the night time visitor, the civet cat or spotted
It is an eternal wilderness truth that you can never find a
flashlight when you need one. The tent
zipper will stick when you least expect it. No matter, our screaming camper
tore his way out of the tent to emerge gasping in a refreshing Hoh Rainforest
Unfortunately the
skunk was fatally injured. The soggy
camper crawled back into the leaky tent in a vain effort to find his keys, so
he could start his truck and turn on the heater. Big drops of rain splattered like buckshot
forming a bloody, skunky pool in the middle of the tent. Dawn’s early light found our camper swathed
in a leaky down sleeping bag that had been chopped up in the mayhem. Unable to
find the keys to his truck he left a trail of feathers to the outhouse on his
way to setting a record for staying in the longest. There I discovered the secret to
enduring the outhouse of the doomed. Get sprayed by a skunk first and a trip to
the outhouse will seem like a day at the spa.
Hoh River Spring Chinook
with a hook and line on portions of the Hoh River that are inside Olympic National Park was already limited to catch and release of
all native fish. You could only keep a
hatchery fish with a clipped adipose fin.
The Hoh River flows out of a nearly million acre National
Park down a valley that’s been preserved
by The U.S. Forest Service, The Hoh River Trust, The Western Rivers
Conservancy, The Wild Salmon Center and $12 million dollars in federal funding
under the Endangered Species Act. This protection extends down to the mouth of
the Hoh where the river enters the ocean inside another pristine wilderness,
the Olympic National Park Coast Strip, which is co- managed by NOAA as the Olympic
Coast National Marine Sanctuary.
The entire length of the Hoh River is being studied,
restored and administered by the greatest minds of science. The Hoh River
studies are legion. Floating the Hoh River one observes plastic ribbons left in
the trees and tied to rocks by scientific researchers as evidence of yet
another study. Restoration efforts include buying property from willing
sellers, building log jams and eliminating the practice of planting hatchery fish.
Fishing in the Hoh River has been administered by a complicated system that
divides the river into seven different zones, each with an array of seasons,
gear restrictions, and bag limits that will make your head spin.
This year Olympic National Park closed their 2 sections, the
mouth and the upper Hoh River to hook and line fishing even for hatchery, fish until Sept 1.
Hoh Summer Steelhead Clipped Adipose Fin
Hatchery Spring Chinook With Clipped Adipose Fin Hoh River
Summer Coho with clipped Adipose Fin Hoh River
hatcheries don't bother to clip their fish for a variety of reasons. Other fish
hatcheries clip other fins. The ventral, pectoral and dorsal are hacked off at
random for reasons my research has failed to discover
Winter steelhead with clipped ventral fin, Hoh River
Winter steelhead with clipped dorsal fin Hoh River
Winter steelhead with clipped dorsal and ventral fin Hoh River.
This can
make for an interesting series of fishing regulations. I have spent years
studying the fishing laws in an attempt to translate them into English. The
most difficult part of cracking this code was the little known “credit card”
edict. Also known as “The Game Warden Employment Security Act”, that requires you to release any fish whose
dorsal fin is wider than the width of a credit card, whether it is clipped or
Hatchery Fish?
The clipped fin rules were designed to allow a selective
harvest of hatchery fish because they are presumed to be different if not
inferior to the wild ones. What is the difference between a 20 pound wild or
hatchery steelhead? Scientists are still studying the question. You wonder how
the hatchery fish, the summer Coho, steelhead and spring Chinook got inside the
National Park in the first place, since no one would admit planting them
Scientists have told us for years that salmon and steelhead return to the river where they were born. Unfortunately in the real world, fish are constantly getting lost. It’s a genetic trait that allowed salmon to colonize the extent of their range.
Scientists have told us for years that salmon and steelhead return to the river where they were born. Unfortunately in the real world, fish are constantly getting lost. It’s a genetic trait that allowed salmon to colonize the extent of their range.
I thought catching hatchery fish in a National Park was a
good thing for the environment since it would eliminate the hatchery fish they hate and
fill up my smoke house. I was
So if the Hoh River which has never had a dam must be closed
to fishing for conservation, when can we expect to fish the Elwha once the dams are removed? Those who
ignore history are doomed to watch television
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